Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On the first day of high school

High school is, in full, a hellish nightmare. Not because of the general reasons, like too much homework or mean upperclassmen. Every body's mean, really. Mean, obnoxious, or stupid. From the beginning: I got to my bus stop early, and when three girls I knew finally, got there, they whispered about me for a few minutes, and finally approached me. Obvious, much? On the bus, I sat between two of them and they talked to each other across me, hardly acknowledging when I tried to interject. It seemed rude to stay quiet, but these girls didn't seen to care much about rudeness. When I got to school, I chauffeured a few people to their classes (I was about the only freshman who knew the school because of all the time I'd spent there during swimming) before heading to my own, Latin. A couple super weird kids talked really loudly about how cool they were (they seemed a bit socially awkward) and finally went to my next class. I barely knew anyone worth seeing in my classes, and later learned that my lunch is also apart from everyone Else's. I do have a lingering hope that I will have upperclassmen that will be kind to me (even though I'm a....freshman. How scary!) On the bus ride home, everyone partnered up with their friends. Since my best friend switched to a different high school, I had to sit on the floor of the ridiculously crowded and sweaty bus. Got some lovely tar on my ass, I'm sure it totally made the outfit. In short: High School makes me want to kill myself.

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